welcome to Bridgetown Alive!


We are a charitable group working to improve the environment
of Bridgetown (Totnes) and the wellbeing of its residents.

Improving Bridgetown

We organise local projects and events, and we manage Bridgetown Community Hall. We also raise funds for outdoor improvements and play equipment for Bridgetown’s public spaces.

organisING local projects & events, and managING Bridgetown Community Hall

Who are we?

We are A local community group run by volunteers.

We organise local projects, events and we manage Bridgetown Community Hall.

We also raise funds for outdoor improvements and play equipment for Bridgetown’s public spaces.

Our Projects

Our projects have included

The Steamer Quay pirate ship play area

Updating the Parker’s Way park

Installing outdoor gym equipment in at the bottom of the Chicken Run

Making the Chicken Run more accessible for prams and wheelchairs

Planting trees around Bridgetown

Installing hedgehog aware signs around Bridgetown

Become a BA! Volunteer

We are a group of fantastic local people helping to make Bridgetown be a wonderful place. You do not need any experience or specific skills – just a passion for being part of your community.

Bridgetown Community Hall!

We also manage Bridgetown Community Hall!

Bridgetown Community Hall, Hope Close, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5YD

Our community hall can be booked for meetings and events.  Please get in touch for availability.

Find us on Facebook!

Like our page on Facebook and invite friends for updates on Bridgetown Alive! meetings, local projects and events.