About Bridgetown Alive!

Welcome to Bridgetown Alive!

Bridgetown Alive! is a local community group which has been going for about 25 years. We are run entirely by volunteers. We are working to improve the environment and wellbeing of residents in the Bridgetown area (Totnes, Devon). We organise community projects, local events and raise funds for outdoor improvements and play equipment. We also manage Bridgetown Community Hall.


We ❤️ Bridgetown

Who do we help?

We aim to support people living in the Bridgetown area. This includes unemployed people, older people, disadvantaged families, people in debt, homeless people, ethnic minorities, people living with disabilities or long-term health conditions.

What do we do?

We ask the local community what they need, utilise local expertise, recruit and train volunteers to offer practical advice on debt, housing, employment etc or organise activities which are fun and promote wellbeing.

How to get involved

If you would like to run an activity or advice service in Bridgetown, please contact:
Jonathan Elliott – jelliott@talkaction.org 0203 488 7010 (www.talkaction.org)

The project is a partnership led by TalkAction, a local community development organisation.

Open Meetings

Our meetings are roughly every 6 weeks. 

A core group of volunteers meet at Bridgetown Community Hall for tea/coffee and cake every Tuesday at our Community Cafe from 11:15am-1pm. We discuss Bridgetown matters and plan projects and events. Everyone is welcome, come along and have your say!

Join our mailing list and receive updates, including dates for our next meeting, BridgetownAliveTQ9@hotmail.com

Follow our Facebook page Bridgetown Alive! UK

Our Trustees

  • Richard O’Connell (Chair)
  • Deborah Oakey (Treasurer)
  • Sue Misselbrook 
  • Jonathan Elliott 
  • Richard Mitchell 
  • Sarah Anne- Herbert
  • Liz Critchley 
  • Marianne Parker
  • Jacqi Hodgson


Richard Mitchell

Chair, founder and all-round good guy!

Charlotte Grosvenor

Trustee, Live West representative and total ray of sunshine!

Sue Misselbrook

Trustee, kindness & well being specialist!

Deborah Oakey

Treasurer and star community builder!

Jacqi Hodgson

Trustee and legendary campaigner & community organiser!

Jonathan Elliott

Events, fundraising and anything you wish to throw at him!