Kool Kitchen lunch club

In 2023, Bridgetown Alive! ran a free 6-week cookery course at St John’s Church. It was a chance to make new friends, be part of a team and learn new skills.

It was designed to help people make healthy and nutritious meals on a tight budget that don’t cost the earth, are super-simple and with ingredients that anyone can get hold of.

Participants spent the morning working with the Kool Kitchen chef and other participants to prepare a lunch that was then shared with each other and local residents.

The project was run in partnership with Bridgetown Alive!, St. John’s Church Community Cafe & funded by Teignbridge CVS.

In 2024, the participants are continuing to make meals to share with a local lunch club in the church. This project is in partnership with Devon County Council’s Growing Communities Fund.

More info from:

Jonathan Elliott


0203 488 7010