‘Man Eater’ (Men’s Cookery Course)

Over the years we’ve noticed that our projects are often filled with 90% women. We have therefore started to run projects that are specifically targeted at men.

This course will bring men together to cook, laugh, and eat together. We’ll learn how to prepare healthy but tasty food on a budget.

The aims of the project:

  • Help those on lower incomes cook food within their budget.
  • Create a welcoming ‘warm space’, especially in the winter months.
  • Bring people together as ‘student chefs’ – forming new bonds and support groups.
  • Increase the well-being of both participants and the wider community.
  • Have a lovely big lunch for free/donation.
  • Help tackle the UK obesity crisis.
  • Promote vegetarian food that appeals to meat eaters but avoids ultra-processed foods, minimises waste and uses as little energy as possible. Saving on bills, waste and helping to tackle climate change.

Funded by Devon County Council ‘Growing Communities’ Fund

To apply contact:

Jonathan Elliott

0203 488 7010
